Public Speaking Training
Real-life training for your communication needs.
Painless public speaking!
If you want to conquer your fear of speaking, you've come to the right place.
"According to most studies, people's Number One Fear is Public Speaking. Number Two Fear is death. Death is Number Two!!
Now, this means, to the average person, if you have to go to a funeral, you're better off in the casket than doing the eulogy!!"
- Jerry Seinfeld
Find out how you can overcome fear number one by contacting Painless Public Speaking.
The easy way to learn how to:
- Write a speech
- Deliver a speech
- Use a microphone
We deal with all forms of public speaking for real life situations.
We help you to write your speech and train you to deliver it.
To see the full range of services and read about Aura Levin Lipski and the
Painless Public Speaking team
click on the table of contents left of the screen.
We invite you to explore the rest of the Painless Public Speaking website. It's Painless!
Aura Levin Lipski, B.A., DipEd, M.A., Founder and Director