A training method which takes the pain out of
public speaking emphasizes the art of how to talk “to anybody,
anywhere, anytime.”
The course, developed by communications trainer
and lecturer Aura Levin Lipski, is aimed as much at the occasional
speaker as it is designed for corporate and business groups. Whether
chairing a committee meeting, speaking at a social gathering, applying
for a job or addressing colleagues at work, the clear and confident
speaker always has an advantage.
For all these situations, Aura offers individually
tailored courses which help the speaker gain confidence in presentation
and in using a microphone.
“This course grew out of my own experience
as a performer and public lecturer. People from all walks of life
wanted to know the secret of confident speaking.”
Aura believes that there is no “secret”,
but a set of techniques which can be transmitted to anybody. Her
training methods suit personal one-on-one sessions as well as the
group dynamics of the corporate setting.
Aura Levin brings to her clients nearly 20 years
of experience as a teacher, singer, recording artist, compere and
lecturer to community and business groups. She has sung to audiences
as varied as Australian servicemen in Singapore and Malaysia, and
sellout crowds in Moscow and Leningrad. She lectures on personal
communication and her talks include “Preparation Prevents
Panic”, “http://Real Contact for Real People”,
and “How to Make the Microphone Your Friend.”
Indeed, Aura’s clients call her “The
Microphone Expert”, because of her emphasis on microphone
technique, an area which many public speaking courses ignore, “The
best speech in the world is wasted”, Ms Levin maintains, “if
half the audience can’t hear you clearly.”